Posts tagged singleness
Looking For The Right Person vs. Becoming The Right Person

I made my first “future husband list” when I was a junior in high school. I was on my way to my first college tour, and I got into a conversation with my parents about the possibility of meeting my future husband once I was in college. And after that conversation was over, I figured I should probably start seriously thinking about the qualities I was looking for in the man I was going to spend the rest of my life with.

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What Ingredients Do I Need To Be Considered “Datable”?

I’m a firm believer that we can learn a lot of life lessons from being in the kitchen. And I’m not just talking about how to keep your eyes from burning when you’re chopping onions or making sure you let brownies cool before you try to cut into them (although I’ve learned both of those lessons the hard way). I think cooking can teach us a lot about how life works.

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What If I’m Happy And Sad About Being Single?

There were so many things I grew to love about being single. (Notice I said “grew to love” because I started out not loving much of anything about being single.) But as time went on, I really enjoyed many of the aspects of being single. I genuinely loved my life and was thoroughly enjoying it. But on the other hand, there was this ever-present, deeply-rooted desire to be married. As much as I loved my single life, as much as I was enjoying all of the opportunities and blessings that came with that season, I never stopped wanting marriage.

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Habits To Cultivate In Your Single Season

Not long after I got engaged, I remember people frequently saying things like, “Your life is about to change,” or “Things will never be the same once you get married,” or even “Marriage is a whole new way of life.” However, I don’t know if those people who talked to me about the changes that came with marriage were 100% correct. While it’s true that my life changed a lot when I got married, not everything about my life changed. There were quite a few things that stayed the same, like the habits I had created in my singleness (for better or worse).

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What The World Says About Me vs. What God Says About Me

Social media has changed quite a bit since then. And I’m pretty confident in saying that all of the different social media platforms have made it exceedingly more difficult for us as believers to figure out who we are and where our identity is rooted. It’s not like I’m scrolling through nothing but pictures and videos reminding me of who I am in Christ. Instead, I’m consistently reminded of how I don’t measure up, how I fall short of society’s standard, or how my house, my body, and my life look nothing like “that girl.”

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God Wastes Nothing

I’ve been thinking a lot about my single years lately. I’m not going to sugarcoat it for you. Those were some of the hardest years of my life. Don’t get me wrong, there were a lot of really great things about being single. And I have so many amazing, unforgettable memories from that season of my life. But there were also plenty of nights when I cried myself to sleep.

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What If You Never Get Married?

Asking yourself “What if I never find someone?” means facing a question that is doused in fear. Wondering if you’re ever going to get married or if you’re going to be single for the rest of your life is a tough pill to swallow. Because contrary to what all the ladies in church imply when they say, “Don’t worry. You’ll find someone!” God doesn’t guarantee marriage for anyone. Nowhere in Scripture does He promise to give every single woman a husband. So as much as this question is one we like to avoid and hope we never have to answer, it’s one we need to take into consideration.

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When Self-Imposed Timelines Seem Overwhelming

Far too often we assign timelines to our lives, telling ourselves that if we don’t graduate on time, if we aren’t married by a certain age, if we don’t have kids by a certain point, or if we don’t accomplish our ten year plan, then somehow we’ve failed. But let’s not forget that when God dreamt up His plan for our lives, He wasn’t worried about time.

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