Posts tagged contentment
What Do You Think Will Fulfill You?

With Super Bowl Sunday being just around the corner, I got to thinking about a story I heard a while back. I came across this story while I was scrolling through my phone one Sunday evening while my husband and I were watching an NFL game. My husband’s best friend had posted about a conversation he’d had a couple of years earlier with a former NFL player who had won a Super Bowl title.

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Is God Enough For You?

Far too often, we believe that if we could just get the one thing we want, the one thing that everyone else seems to have, we’ll be happy and content. But as we ask, or even demand, that God give us what we want, we’re basically saying that He isn’t enough to satisfy our wants and our needs. That’s exactly what the Israelites communicated, that God wasn’t enough for them, when they demanded a king like every other nation had.

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What If You Never Get Married?

Asking yourself “What if I never find someone?” means facing a question that is doused in fear. Wondering if you’re ever going to get married or if you’re going to be single for the rest of your life is a tough pill to swallow. Because contrary to what all the ladies in church imply when they say, “Don’t worry. You’ll find someone!” God doesn’t guarantee marriage for anyone. Nowhere in Scripture does He promise to give every single woman a husband. So as much as this question is one we like to avoid and hope we never have to answer, it’s one we need to take into consideration.

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Do You Want God's Presence More Than His Promises?

God had been promising this land to the Israelites for generations. People died on the journey to The Promised Land. They spent their entire lives hoping for the day they would get to experience the promises of God coming to fruition. And yet here was Moses saying, “God if you’re not going with us, then there’s no point in us going either.”

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The Struggle With Contentment

If I’m being honest, the word “contentment" has become one of my least favorite words in the English language over the past few years. If I had a dollar for every time someone told me to just be content in the Lord and then He would give me what I’m waiting for, I could probably retire comfortably to Bora-Bora by the time my 35th birthday came around.

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10 Verses For When You're Feeling Discontent

It’s that time of year where talk of gratitude is everywhere. We are told to count our blessings, to think about all of the things we have to be thankful for. And while I 100% believe we all have things for which to give thanks, I also know that we’re all battling feelings of discontentment in at least one area of our lives.

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