Posts tagged meditate
10 Verses For When You're Stressed Out

The three months after my wedding were some of the most stressful I’ve ever experienced. I got married. I moved in with my husband’s apartment, but only for a couple of months before we moved to a different state. My husband sprained his ACL and LCL playing basketball. Our dog had three different health emergencies. We had one of our cars in the shop so we were down to one car for two people. And we were trying to buy a house. Needless to say, a lot of different things were occupying my mind.

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10 Verses For When You're Feeling Discontent

It’s that time of year where talk of gratitude is everywhere. We are told to count our blessings, to think about all of the things we have to be thankful for. And while I 100% believe we all have things for which to give thanks, I also know that we’re all battling feelings of discontentment in at least one area of our lives.

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Encouragement For The One Who's Stressed Out

Later tonight, I have a phone call scheduled with my best friend, Melanie. (Yes we schedule our phone calls. They normally last 2-3 hours so it’s worth blocking out the calendar. Don’t judge us.) This is a phone call I’ve been looking forward to for a week now, especially since the last few days have been pretty stress-filled.

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