Posts tagged waiting
What To Do If You’re Hesitant To Follow God’s Lead

Have you ever felt like God was telling you to do something or guiding you down a certain path, but you were hesitant to follow His lead? I know I’ve been there, far more often than I’d care to admit. Hurrying is not something I’m a big fan of. I’d much prefer to take my time and go about things at my own pace. But the longer I follow Jesus, the more I learn that when God tells you to do something, hesitation is not your friend.

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When It Feels Like God Is Stripping Everything Away

As I pulled into our driveway after church one Sunday last spring, I couldn’t help but notice the overflowing rose bushes in front of our house. Our front yard was looking pretty bare not even a month before, and now all of a sudden we had dozens of hot pink roses brightening up the landscape. Taking in the beautiful sight of those roses, I remembered that those bushes weren’t always so big and fruitful. My mind flashed back to the end of the previous summer, right as we were moving into our new house in Northern Kentucky.

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When You Need Confidence In God Without Evidence That He's Working

Every Sunday night, I lead a life group of nine high school girls. In my years of working with students, whether that’s in the context of youth ministry or coaching basketball, I’ve learned that while you’re there as an adult to teach them and give them wisdom, it’s often the students who end up teaching you. My Sunday night life group is no different.

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What Ingredients Do I Need To Be Considered “Datable”?

I’m a firm believer that we can learn a lot of life lessons from being in the kitchen. And I’m not just talking about how to keep your eyes from burning when you’re chopping onions or making sure you let brownies cool before you try to cut into them (although I’ve learned both of those lessons the hard way). I think cooking can teach us a lot about how life works.

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Trusting God When You Can't See Him Working

I want you to imagine a gardener sowing seeds in the fertile soil of a garden. Day after day, she tends to her plants with care, watering them, nurturing them, and patiently waiting for signs of growth. Yet, despite her efforts, the surface remains unchanged. Weeks pass, and still, there is no sign of life. Doubt creeps in, and she wonders if her labor has been in vain.

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What Are You Rushing Into?

Waiting is not fun, and it gets more and more difficult the longer you have to do it. When that impatience kicks in, we are so quick to jump the gun, like Brett said, and settle for a lesser version of whatever it is that we’re waiting for. But that’s typically when regret happens. I can tell you for a fact that if I had bought one of the pairs of shoes I sent to my brother at first, I would have regretted it because the shoes I ended up buying were so much better than anything I was initially considering.

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