Posts tagged comparison
What The World Says About Me vs. What God Says About Me

Social media has changed quite a bit since then. And I’m pretty confident in saying that all of the different social media platforms have made it exceedingly more difficult for us as believers to figure out who we are and where our identity is rooted. It’s not like I’m scrolling through nothing but pictures and videos reminding me of who I am in Christ. Instead, I’m consistently reminded of how I don’t measure up, how I fall short of society’s standard, or how my house, my body, and my life look nothing like “that girl.”

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For The One Struggling With Body Image

I’ve struggled with body-image insecurity for most of my life. I’ve put way too much stock into the numbers or letters on my clothing tags. But even though this is an ongoing struggle, I know deep down that who I am is not rooted in the labels on these hangers. They’re not significant. They don’t add or take away from my purpose in life. And they don’t change the fact that I am fearfully and wonderfully made in the image of God.

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Fulfilling Your God-Given Role

One of the greatest lessons I’ve learned from playing and coaching sports over the years is the importance of fulfilling your role on a team. Take a basketball team for example. All five players on the court play a different position, and within their position, they each use their unique skillset to help the team succeed. Some players are really good at shooting three-pointers. Some are good at driving to the basket. Others are really good at playing defense and rebounding. Everyone has their strengths.

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There's More To Life Than Beauty

Before I got married, I often thought about the kind of wife I wanted to be. I thought about what I wanted my life to look like once I had a husband and kids and dogs and a house - a whole family of my own. And I still think about those things now. I have a husband. I have a dog. I have a house. (No kids yet, but hopefully that’s something we’ll get to experience down the road.) And it’s fine to think about these things and get excited for what it is in store for my current and future seasons.

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Do You Care What Other People Think?

For the next year, my friends and my classmates, who had now heard the story of my chickening out, poked fun at me for being too scared to ride. You know how middle schoolers are. But despite their teasing, I didn’t care what anyone thought. I didn’t want to ride the roller coaster. I was confident in that decision, and I let the teasing continue. I think back to this memory now, and I’m honestly pretty proud of 13-year-old Kristen. But then I also think, “If I didn’t care what people thought of me then, why do I care so much about what they think now?”

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Do You Care What Other People Think?

For what remained of the school year, my friends, and my classmates who had now heard the story of my chickening out, poked fun at me for being too scared to ride. You know how middle schoolers are. But despite their teasing, I didn’t care what anyone thought. I didn’t want to ride the roller coaster. I was confident in that decision, and I let the teasing continue. I think back to this memory now, and I’m honestly pretty proud of 13-year-old Kristen. But then I also think, “If I didn’t care what people thought of me then, why do I care so much about what they think now?”

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There's More To Life Than Beauty

I often think about the kind of wife I want to be. I think about what I want my life to look like once I have a husband and kids and dogs and a house - a whole family of my own. When I start thinking about these things, I get so excited. I am filled with expectation of what that time in my life is going to be like. And then I get on Instagram…

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