Posts tagged seasons
What Ingredients Do I Need To Be Considered “Datable”?

I’m a firm believer that we can learn a lot of life lessons from being in the kitchen. And I’m not just talking about how to keep your eyes from burning when you’re chopping onions or making sure you let brownies cool before you try to cut into them (although I’ve learned both of those lessons the hard way). I think cooking can teach us a lot about how life works.

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Trusting God In the Unknown

Trusting God in the unknown can be one of the hardest parts about being a follower of Jesus. For some reason, even though we know we serve an all-knowing, all-powerful God, we find it difficult to trust Him when life doesn’t seem to be going the way we thought it would. We walk into a difficult or unforeseen season, and we immediately start questioning our Heavenly Father instead of choosing to trust Him.

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Joy In The Ordinary

Have you ever been guilty of being so busy waiting on something extraordinary that you miss the joy that comes from the ordinary? I know I have been. So many times I’ve been preoccupied with just wanting to be done with school or just wanting a new job or just wanting to be married that I fail to soak in the good that exists in the present.

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Rain Is Necessary For The Harvest

It’s pouring rain today. And much to my own disappointment, as my husband and I left Kentucky to make the trek to Northern Ohio for the weekend, the rain followed us the entire journey. Usually, I love the rain. Because I work from home, rainy days are normally cozy and chill, giving me an excuse to stay locked in the house all day long. But for some reason, once I saw the rainy forecast for this weekend, I found myself wishing the rain away.

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10 Verses For When You're Feeling Hopeless

My word for the year 2020 was “hope.” The Lord usually gives me my word for the upcoming year in the fall and that year was no different. In the middle of October of 2019, I had begun to see a pattern. The word “hope” was popping up everywhere. And I’ve learned that when God repeats Himself like that, I need to pay attention.

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