Posts tagged faithfulness
What We’re Called To Do In The Midst Of Pain

Whenever I’m having a tough time, a bad day, or I’m feeling down, I open up my “words of affirmation jar.” I’m still working on the name, but that’s not important. My “words of affirmation jar” is a white jar that sits on my desk. It’s filled with tiny little folded-up pieces of paper, each containing an encouraging or affirming message from my husband. This was his Christmas gift to me three years ago, and he has continued to refill it ever since he gave it to me. I remember one particular afternoon when I was feeling down and discouraged, I opened up the jar and grabbed a piece of paper. When it opened it up, it contained one word, followed by a few numbers.

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Trusting God Again

When the psalmist who wrote Psalm 126 said, “The Lord has done great things for us,” he was encouraging the Israelites to remember all the things the Lord had done for them in the past. He delivered them from Egypt. He brought them across the Red Sea. He led them across the Jordan River. He helped them bring down the walls of Jericho, and He gave them the Promised Land.

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10 Verses For When You're Feeling Hopeless

My word for the year 2020 was “hope.” The Lord usually gives me my word for the upcoming year in the fall and that year was no different. In the middle of October of 2019, I had begun to see a pattern. The word “hope” was popping up everywhere. And I’ve learned that when God repeats Himself like that, I need to pay attention.

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Choose Your Hard

Not too long ago, one of the health and fitness accounts I follow on Instagram started posting a lot of content aligning with the phrase “Choose Your Hard.” The posts centered around this theme that no matter which path you take when it comes to your health, fitness, and wellness, it’s going to be hard. The more I thought about that phrase, “Choose your hard,” the more I realized how much it applies to every single area of our lives, not just health and fitness.

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Be Available For Those You Love

About halfway through the day, it all got to be a little too much for me. I was sad, angry, overwhelmed - basically I was a wreck. And so I texted my best friend Melanie and said, “Hey I know this is probably horrible timing, but is there any way I could call you?” It didn’t take her long to respond, and when she did, her words were, “Absolutely! TJ (her son) is eating lunch but I can listen so just call me whenever!”

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Who Are You Trying To Impress?

Something I’ve struggled with over the years is putting a lot of stock in what other people think of me. I’ve always been concerned with making sure people like me, that I get along with others, and that people have a positive perception of me. After all, who doesn’t want to be liked? Who doesn’t want other people to think and say nice things about them? We all want those things, right?

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Be Available For Those You Love

About halfway through the day, it all got to be a little too much for me. I was sad, angry, overwhelmed - basically I was a wreck. And so I texted my best friend Melanie and said, “Hey I know this is probably horrible timing, but is there any way I could call you?” It didn’t take her long to respond, and when she did, her words were, “Absolutely! TJ (her son) is eating lunch but I can listen so just call me whenever!”

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