Posts tagged obedience
Lord, I Love You, But...

After I left work that night, I decided to go by Panera to grab dinner on my way home. As I was anxiously waiting in line for my broccoli cheddar soup, I began scrolling through some devotions that were sent to my phone each day. I landed on one entitled “Lord I Love You But…” and I begin to read. The Lord might as well have put my name at the top of the screen. It was that straightforward. Immediately my heart started pounding out of my chest.

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Don't Shy Away From Difficulty

I remember during one conversation Brett and I had, he was telling me about a kid he’s been training recently. We’ll call this kid Andy. Andy is part of a group of athletes working with Brett each week. On one particular night during a training session, Brett was working with the group on driving to the basket and finishing with a left-handed layup. Well, Andy was right-handed. So he would drive to the basket, but every time he got ready to shoot, he would lay the ball up with his right hand instead of his left.

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Choose Your Hard

Not too long ago, one of the health and fitness accounts I follow on Instagram started posting a lot of content aligning with the phrase “Choose Your Hard.” The posts centered around this theme that no matter which path you take when it comes to your health, fitness, and wellness, it’s going to be hard. The more I thought about that phrase, “Choose your hard,” the more I realized how much it applies to every single area of our lives, not just health and fitness.

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Who Are You Trying To Impress?

Something I’ve struggled with over the years is putting a lot of stock in what other people think of me. I’ve always been concerned with making sure people like me, that I get along with others, and that people have a positive perception of me. After all, who doesn’t want to be liked? Who doesn’t want other people to think and say nice things about them? We all want those things, right?

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Who Are You Trying To Impress?

Something I’ve struggled with over the years is putting a lot of stock in what other people think of me. I’ve always been concerned with making sure people like me, that I get along with others, and that people have a positive perception of me. After all, who doesn’t want to be liked? Who doesn’t want other people to think and say nice things about them? We all want those things, right?

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Lord, I Love You, But...

After I left work that night, I decided to go by Panera to grab dinner on my way home. As I was anxiously waiting in line for my broccoli cheddar soup, I began scrolling through some devotions that were sent to my phone each day. I landed on one entitled “Lord I Love You But…” and I begin to read. The Lord might as well have put my name at the top of the screen. It was that straightforward. Immediately my heart started pounding out of my chest.

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