Who Are You Trying To Impress?

Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ. - Galatians 1:10

Something I’ve struggled with over the years is putting a lot of stock in what other people think of me. I’ve always been concerned with making sure people like me, that I get along with others, and that people have a positive perception of me. 

After all, who doesn’t want to be liked? Who doesn’t want other people to think and say nice things about them? We all want those things, right?

But where I get into trouble is when I care more about what other people think of me than I care about what the Lord thinks of me. I start asking questions like, “What is he going to think?” or “What is she going to say?” instead of asking, “Would the Lord be pleased with me right now?”

At the end of the day, we have no control over what other people think and say about us. We can try to be the best versions of ourselves. We can try to make the right decisions. We can try to be as kind and respectful as we can be to the people around us. But ultimately, it’s not up to us how they react to us.

With that in mind, we have to realize that all we need to be concerned with is being obedient to the Lord and doing what He has called us to do in His Word. 

My parents always modeled this really well for me growing up. I watched on more than one occasion where the Lord made it very clear to my parents that they needed to make a certain decision or obey Him in a certain aspect of their lives, even when they didn’t know how things were going to turn out.

In each of these instances, there were people who didn’t understand why my parents were doing what they were doing it. Some of these people even went so far as to voice their disagreements with my parents’ decision. But my parents never wavered. They stayed committed to the path the Lord was leading them down, and in doing so, they set such a great example of what it looks like to be faithful in following the Lord’s lead regardless of what other people think. 

So if you’re like me, and you struggle with holding other people’s opinions in higher regard than the Lord’s, I hope you’ll take to heart the reminder that is found in today’s key verse. May we all continue to ask ourselves on a daily basis if we are trying to please people or if we are trying to please God. 

Remember, when you stand before the Lord one day to give an account for your life, no one else’s opinions are going to matter. But what will matter is that you were obedient and that you were faithful to your Heavenly Father. I’m praying that I don’t forget that truth, and I’m praying the same for you, friend.