Posts tagged plans
What Ingredients Do I Need To Be Considered “Datable”?

I’m a firm believer that we can learn a lot of life lessons from being in the kitchen. And I’m not just talking about how to keep your eyes from burning when you’re chopping onions or making sure you let brownies cool before you try to cut into them (although I’ve learned both of those lessons the hard way). I think cooking can teach us a lot about how life works.

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Tough Times Aren't Always Earned

What if the reason you didn’t get that job is because God’s glory will be better displayed through the job you’ll end up in later on? What if the reason you’re not in a relationship right now is so that God’s glory can be displayed through you ministering to your friends? What if the reason your life doesn’t look the way you thought it would right now is because God’s glory will be better displayed through His plans for you than your plans for you?

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Open Your Hands

Surrender is a byproduct of trust. If you don’t trust that God’s plans are perfect and that He has your best interest in mind, then you’re going to keep your fists closed around your own plans and dreams. You’re not going to let go of what you think is good if you don’t think you’ll be getting something better in its place.

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Remember This When You Have A Big Decision To Make

The average adult makes approximately 35,000 remotely conscious decisions every day. Think about that for a second. 35,000 decisions. Decisions ranging anywhere from texting that cute boy you have a crush on, to figuring out what you want to do after college, to deciding if you want an extra shot of espresso in your morning coffee.

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Rain Is Necessary For The Harvest

It’s pouring rain today. And much to my own disappointment, as my husband and I left Kentucky to make the trek to Northern Ohio for the weekend, the rain followed us the entire journey. Usually, I love the rain. Because I work from home, rainy days are normally cozy and chill, giving me an excuse to stay locked in the house all day long. But for some reason, once I saw the rainy forecast for this weekend, I found myself wishing the rain away.

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Are You Submitting To God's Will?

If there was ever an example of complete submission to God’s will, it’s the story of Mary that we read about in the gospel of Luke. Here was Mary, a teenager, engaged to be married, ready to start a new and exciting chapter in her life when an angel shows up and tells her she is going to be the mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Talk about an interruption.

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When Self-Imposed Timelines Seem Overwhelming

Far too often we assign timelines to our lives, telling ourselves that if we don’t graduate on time, if we aren’t married by a certain age, if we don’t have kids by a certain point, or if we don’t accomplish our ten year plan, then somehow we’ve failed. But let’s not forget that when God dreamt up His plan for our lives, He wasn’t worried about time.

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