Posts tagged changed plans
When Life Changes, Jesus Remains The Same

Isn’t it crazy how quickly life can change? It’s like one day you’re just going about your business and the next it seems like everything that once felt certain gets flipped on its head. A great relationship ends unexpectedly. A new opportunity falls in your lap. The chance to pursue a dream comes, but not without some sacrifices.

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Surprises From God

Imagine that someone who loves you, knows you super well, and is an excellent planner put together an amazing day for your birthday - your favorite meals, your favorite activities, your favorite people, etc. They planned the absolute perfect birthday for you. Wouldn’t you be excited? And wouldn’t you trust that person because of how well they know you and how much they love you? Of course you would! So then let me ask you this: Why do you doubt God when He loves you more than anyone, He knows you better than anyone else, and He has plans more perfect and custom fit for you than anything anyone else could ever put together?

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Open Your Hands

Surrender is a byproduct of trust. If you don’t trust that God’s plans are perfect and that He has your best interest in mind, then you’re going to keep your fists closed around your own plans and dreams. You’re not going to let go of what you think is good if you don’t think you’ll be getting something better in its place.

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Rain Is Necessary For The Harvest

It’s pouring rain today. And much to my own disappointment, as my husband and I left Kentucky to make the trek to Northern Ohio for the weekend, the rain followed us the entire journey. Usually, I love the rain. Because I work from home, rainy days are normally cozy and chill, giving me an excuse to stay locked in the house all day long. But for some reason, once I saw the rainy forecast for this weekend, I found myself wishing the rain away.

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Are You Submitting To God's Will?

If there was ever an example of complete submission to God’s will, it’s the story of Mary that we read about in the gospel of Luke. Here was Mary, a teenager, engaged to be married, ready to start a new and exciting chapter in her life when an angel shows up and tells her she is going to be the mother of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world. Talk about an interruption.

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When Everything Is Changing

About a year and a half ago, I felt like my world was being absolutely rocked. It seemed like everything was changing at once. Kevin and I were about to get married. We adopted a 10-week-old puppy. Kevin took a job at church in Northern Kentucky, which meant I’d be leaving Georgia, where I’d spent my entire life. I moved from my parents’ house to Kevin’s apartment to an apartment in Kentucky to a house in Kentucky all in the span of three months. It felt like nothing about my life was going to stay the same.

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Change Of Plans

I threw my computer back in my bag, grabbed my frappuccino, and booked it across campus to the foreign language office. Within 15 minutes I had the department head and three professors trying to calm me down. We talked for almost an hour before they put together an alternative plan. I could double major in Secondary Education and Spanish, but I would be in school for at least one extra year. Not to mention my scholarship would run out by the end of my fourth year so all tuition and fees would have to come out of my pocket. And I’d have to take a bunch of extra classes I didn’t need. It may have been a plan, but it wasn’t a good one.

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