Posts tagged surprises
Surprises From God

Imagine that someone who loves you, knows you super well, and is an excellent planner put together an amazing day for your birthday - your favorite meals, your favorite activities, your favorite people, etc. They planned the absolute perfect birthday for you. Wouldn’t you be excited? And wouldn’t you trust that person because of how well they know you and how much they love you? Of course you would! So then let me ask you this: Why do you doubt God when He loves you more than anyone, He knows you better than anyone else, and He has plans more perfect and custom fit for you than anything anyone else could ever put together?

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Don't Walk Away Too Soon

I wonder how many times in my life I’ve walked away too soon, missing out on something beautiful that the Lord had in store for me. So often, our days don’t turn out the way we expect them to, or our circumstances don't look the way we think they should. And when that happens, we are tempted to give up, thinking that there’s no way things can turn out the way we hoped, much less better than we hoped.

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Surprises From God

Imagine that someone who loves you, knows you super well, and is an excellent planner put together an amazing day for your birthday - your favorite meals, your favorite activities, your favorite people, etc. They planned the absolute perfect birthday for you. Wouldn’t you be excited? And wouldn’t you trust that person because of how well they know you and how much they love you? Of course you would! So then let me ask you this: Why do you doubt God when He loves you more than anyone, He knows you better than anyone else, and He has plans more perfect and custom fit for you than anything anyone else could ever put together?

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