Posts tagged heartbreak
When Life Changes, Jesus Remains The Same

Isn’t it crazy how quickly life can change? It’s like one day you’re just going about your business and the next it seems like everything that once felt certain gets flipped on its head. A great relationship ends unexpectedly. A new opportunity falls in your lap. The chance to pursue a dream comes, but not without some sacrifices.

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What If I’m Happy And Sad About Being Single?

There were so many things I grew to love about being single. (Notice I said “grew to love” because I started out not loving much of anything about being single.) But as time went on, I really enjoyed many of the aspects of being single. I genuinely loved my life and was thoroughly enjoying it. But on the other hand, there was this ever-present, deeply-rooted desire to be married. As much as I loved my single life, as much as I was enjoying all of the opportunities and blessings that came with that season, I never stopped wanting marriage.

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Your Trials Are Your Testimony

I was sitting on the couch in my living room talking to my roommate Lauren. She was checking in with me, asking how I was holding up, since I had just gone through a pretty awful breakup. I told her that I was struggling, not just because getting your heart broken hurts terribly, but because I never even saw this coming. I was so completely blindsided, and that made everything so much worse.

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The Benefit Of Enduring Hard Times

If we go through life without any sort of pushback, any sort of tension, storms, or struggles, our faith will not grow stronger. Rather, it will collapse under the pressure down the road because it hasn’t been conditioned to handle the hard parts of life. The difficult moments we face, the heartbreaking circumstances that come our way, those are the things that the Lord uses to mature us, to grow us, and to develop us so that we can learn to remain standing through it all.

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Ripped Jeans And Messy Lives

A few years ago, I was getting ready for work and decided to wear my favorite Old Navy black jeans. They were my favorite at the time not only because they were black and therefore flattering, but because they had an elastic waistband, which was extremely underrated at the time. When I put the jeans on, I noticed a little hole in the inseam of the inside of my pant leg. But it was a very tiny hole and it wasn’t super noticeable, so I wore the jeans to work anyway.

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When Life Changes, Jesus Remains The Same

Isn’t it crazy how quickly life can change? It’s like one day you’re just going about your business and the next it seems like everything that once felt certain gets flipped on its head. A great relationship ends unexpectedly. A new opportunity falls in your lap. The chance to pursue a dream comes, but not without some sacrifices.

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