Posts tagged storms
When You're Stuck In The In-Between

I’ve realized that feeling stuck between where you are and where you really want to be is an experience that is quite common in life. Maybe you’ve found yourself in a similar situation. A storm hit your life out of nowhere, causing a delay in your plans and your intentions, and now you feel stuck waiting for the storm to pass.

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The Benefit Of Enduring Hard Times

If we go through life without any sort of pushback, any sort of tension, storms, or struggles, our faith will not grow stronger. Rather, it will collapse under the pressure down the road because it hasn’t been conditioned to handle the hard parts of life. The difficult moments we face, the heartbreaking circumstances that come our way, those are the things that the Lord uses to mature us, to grow us, and to develop us so that we can learn to remain standing through it all.

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Bending And Breaking

When I first heard about this study of the trees in Biosphere 2, I couldn’t help but smile at the metaphor it creates in relation to our lives as followers of Jesus. If we go through life without any sort of pushback, any sort of tension, storms, or struggles, our faith will not grow stronger. Rather, it will collapse under the pressure down the road because it hasn’t been conditioned to handle the hard parts of life. The difficult moments we face, the heartbreaking circumstances that come our way, those are the things that the Lord uses to mature us, to grow us, and to develop us so that we can learn to remain standing through it all.

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Bending And Breaking

When I first heard about this study of the trees in Biosphere 2, I couldn’t help but smile at the metaphor it creates in relation to our lives as followers of Jesus. If we go through life without any sort of pushback, any sort of tension, storms, or struggles, our faith will not grow stronger. Rather, it will collapse under the pressure down the road because it hasn’t been conditioned to handle the hard parts of life. The difficult moments we face, the heartbreaking circumstances that come our way, those are the things that the Lord uses to mature us, to grow us, and to develop us so that we can learn to remain standing through it all.

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