Posts tagged struggle
How To Get Clean From Your Sin

Earlier this year, my husband and I decided to adopt a 10-week-old German Shepherd puppy. We named her Sadie, and I was obsessed with her from the get-go. I have wanted a German Shepherd ever since I was a little girl, so this was a dream come true for me. However, what wasn’t a dream come true was potty training this very stubborn animal who seemed to like using the bathroom inside much more than she liked using it outside.

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The Benefit Of Enduring Hard Times

If we go through life without any sort of pushback, any sort of tension, storms, or struggles, our faith will not grow stronger. Rather, it will collapse under the pressure down the road because it hasn’t been conditioned to handle the hard parts of life. The difficult moments we face, the heartbreaking circumstances that come our way, those are the things that the Lord uses to mature us, to grow us, and to develop us so that we can learn to remain standing through it all.

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Beauty In The Valley

Gratitude is all about perspective. Are we willing to widen our gaze to see what unexpected blessings came along this year? Or are we going to remain focused on the disappointment and unmet expectations? Are we willing to dig a little deeper to identify all that we can to thank the Lord for? Or are we going to hold onto our surface perspective, zoning in on what we wish didn’t happen this year?

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10 Verses For When You're Struggling To Pray

If we’re being honest, I think many of us have the expectation that our prayer life is supposed to look a straight line - always consistent and trending upward with absolutely zero bumps in the road. Sure, there are times when prayer is super easy and it’s your default reaction to any circumstance (good or bad) that happens in your life. But there are also seasons where prayer feels extra difficult and you begin to wonder if God is even listening when you pray. 

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God, Why Are You Allowing This?

Have you ever found yourself asking God this question: “Lord, how can any good come from this pain I’m dealing with?” Maybe you follow up the question saying things like, “I thought You loved me. Why are you allowing me to go through this immense pain? Why don’t you intervene right now? Why don’t you take this struggle away from me?”

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