Posts tagged unconditional love
Are You Trying To Earn God's Love?

God so clearly reminded me of on that hot afternoon in Jerusalem is that there’s absolutely nothing more I can do to prove that I was worth all of the horrible things Jesus went through. I can do everything right for the rest of my life, or I can make every mistake in the book, and He will love me no more and no less. This is not a merit based relationship. This is a relationship that God wanted so badly that He was willing to sacrifice what He loved most to get it. And I’m so grateful that He did.

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Trying To Earn God's Love

God so clearly reminded me of on that hot afternoon in Jerusalem is that there’s absolutely nothing more I can do to prove that I was worth all of the horrible things Jesus went through. I can do everything right for the rest of my life, or I can make every mistake in the book, and He will love me no more and no less. This is not a merit based relationship. This is a relationship that God wanted so badly that He was willing to sacrifice what He loved most to get it. And I’m so grateful that He did.

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The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule is written out twice in Scripture, once in Matthew and again in Luke. I'm a firm believer that if the Lord decided to repeat Himself in Scripture, we should pay special attention to what He's repeating. And while my dad paraphrased the verses to say, "treat people the way you want to be treated," the principle remains. If we all lived by this statement, think about how different our world would be. If we would ask ourselves "What's the golden rule?" before every decision, every interaction, every response, and every conversation, everything would look drastically different.

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Trying To Earn God's Love

God so clearly reminded me of on that hot afternoon in Jerusalem is that there’s absolutely nothing more I can do to prove that I was worth all of the horrible things Jesus went through. I can do everything right for the rest of my life, or I can make every mistake in the book, and He will love me no more and no less. This is not a merit based relationship. This is a relationship that God wanted so badly that He was willing to sacrifice what He loved most to get it. And I’m so grateful that He did.

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