Posts tagged mercy
Don’t Underestimate The Power Of Empathy

Yesterday as I was scrolling through Instagram, I came across a post by one of my favorite influencers where she shared that she had miscarried over the weekend. A few minutes later, I watched her Instagram stories where she shared more about what had happened. While this story was absolutely heartbreaking, there was one detail that made my heart sink with sadness and disappointment.

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Believing The Best Of People

Last year during one of the varsity girls’ basketball games I coached, I remember noticing the referees walk in while my team was warming up. Amidst the three guys who were going to be officiating was my favorite referee. Yes, I had favorites. I promise I was still nice to the other referees, but I definitely had refs I preferred, and so when this guy walked into the gym that night, I breathed a sigh of relief knowing we should have good officiating for the game.

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Believing The Best Of People

Last night while the varsity girls basketball team I coach was warming up for their game, I saw the referees walk in. Amidst the three guys who were going to be officiating was my favorite referee. (Yes I have favorites. I promise I’m still nice to the other referees, but I definitely have refs I prefer, and so when this guy walked into the gym last night, I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing we should have good officiating for this game.

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Use Your Story

Have you gone through something painful, heartbreaking, or upsetting, but then you’ve seen God use your story down the road to encourage someone else? What a compassionate and gracious God we serve that He would give us these little nods of hope and redemption as He grants us opportunities to empathize with people who are walking the same rough paths we’ve walked.

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The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule is written out twice in Scripture, once in Matthew and again in Luke. I'm a firm believer that if the Lord decided to repeat Himself in Scripture, we should pay special attention to what He's repeating. And while my dad paraphrased the verses to say, "treat people the way you want to be treated," the principle remains. If we all lived by this statement, think about how different our world would be. If we would ask ourselves "What's the golden rule?" before every decision, every interaction, every response, and every conversation, everything would look drastically different.

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Use Your Story

Have you gone through something painful, heartbreaking, or upsetting, but then you’ve seen God use your story down the road to encourage someone else? What a compassionate and gracious God we serve that He would give us these little nods of hope and redemption as He grants us opportunities to empathize with people who are walking the same rough paths we’ve walked.

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