Posts tagged grace
Are You Trying To Earn God's Love?

God so clearly reminded me of on that hot afternoon in Jerusalem is that there’s absolutely nothing more I can do to prove that I was worth all of the horrible things Jesus went through. I can do everything right for the rest of my life, or I can make every mistake in the book, and He will love me no more and no less. This is not a merit based relationship. This is a relationship that God wanted so badly that He was willing to sacrifice what He loved most to get it. And I’m so grateful that He did.

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Do You Know God Intellectually Or Do You Know God Personally?

From the time that I was a little girl, I’ve always loved to learn. When I was two years old, my dad would spend hours with me, teaching my numbers, letters, colors, and all the football teams in the SEC (priorities right?). Growing in knowledge is something I enjoy doing and try to do as much as I can. And while having a lot of knowledge is considered impressive and admirable in our culture, I’m learning that knowledge should be viewed differently when it comes to our walk with Christ.

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The Dry Shampoo Method

I truly believe one of the greatest inventions in the entire beauty industry is dry shampoo. Can I get a witness? That stuff is a game changer. Back when I was in middle school and high school, I had to wash my hair almost every day. If I did skip a day, I ran the risk of my hair looking oily and gross by fifth period on the day after I washed my hair, and that was not a risk I often chose to take.

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Believing The Best Of People

Last year during one of the varsity girls’ basketball games I coached, I remember noticing the referees walk in while my team was warming up. Amidst the three guys who were going to be officiating was my favorite referee. Yes, I had favorites. I promise I was still nice to the other referees, but I definitely had refs I preferred, and so when this guy walked into the gym that night, I breathed a sigh of relief knowing we should have good officiating for the game.

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Believing The Best Of People

Last night while the varsity girls basketball team I coach was warming up for their game, I saw the referees walk in. Amidst the three guys who were going to be officiating was my favorite referee. (Yes I have favorites. I promise I’m still nice to the other referees, but I definitely have refs I prefer, and so when this guy walked into the gym last night, I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing we should have good officiating for this game.

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Trying To Earn God's Love

God so clearly reminded me of on that hot afternoon in Jerusalem is that there’s absolutely nothing more I can do to prove that I was worth all of the horrible things Jesus went through. I can do everything right for the rest of my life, or I can make every mistake in the book, and He will love me no more and no less. This is not a merit based relationship. This is a relationship that God wanted so badly that He was willing to sacrifice what He loved most to get it. And I’m so grateful that He did.

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You Don't Have To Have It All Together

A couple of weeks ago, I went to the doctor to get some antibiotics for a cuticle infection I had on my left hand (gross, I know). When I was sitting in the room with the doctor, she asked me if I was allergic to any medication, and I told her no, because at that time, I had never had a negative reaction to any medicine I’d been given. But six days later, that was no longer the case.

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