Posts tagged judgmental
How To Speak The Truth In Kindness

In today’s Christian culture, there seem to be two extremes when it comes to speaking the truth in love to other people. On one side, you have people who deliver the truth in a harsh, judgmental way, lacking compassion and empathy. And on the other side, you have people who are kindly affirming actions and behaviors that don’t line up with truth because they don’t want to hurt others’ feelings.

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You Don't Have To Have It All Together

A couple of weeks ago, I went to the doctor to get some antibiotics for a cuticle infection I had on my left hand (gross, I know). When I was sitting in the room with the doctor, she asked me if I was allergic to any medication, and I told her no, because at that time, I had never had a negative reaction to any medicine I’d been given. But six days later, that was no longer the case.

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The Difference Between Judgment And Accountability

Are you someone your friends feel safe talking to, knowing you will lovingly hold them accountable to Christ? Or do they fear opening up to you because of your judgmental and condemning attitude? Remember, God is the ultimate judge. He is the only one who can see the true intentions of the heart. Our only role is to help encourage, guide, and direct our brothers and sisters towards Him so that we might all continue to further His Kingdom and bring Him glory.

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