Posts tagged friendship
Do You Need To Change Your Environment?

Lately I’ve been trying to go on a walk every single day in an attempt to get my steps in. Working a desk job from home doesn’t exaclty require a lot of movement. So the daily walks help me be a little more active. Now, if you don’t already know this, I live in Northern Kentucky. And when I say northern, I mean it. We are only about 20 minutes from the Ohio state line, so we’re at the tip top of the state. And in the past two years of moving here I’ve learned the weather can be very fickle, which has made my daily walks quite interesting.

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How To Celebrate The Success Of Others

I read a quote on Instagram today that said, “Supporting another’s success won’t ever dampen yours.” Reading that statement stopped me in my tracks because that’s not the way we live by default as humans. And that makes me sad because I wish that weren’t the case. I wish we celebrated others more than we compared ourselves to others.

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What If I’m Happy And Sad About Being Single?

There were so many things I grew to love about being single. (Notice I said “grew to love” because I started out not loving much of anything about being single.) But as time went on, I really enjoyed many of the aspects of being single. I genuinely loved my life and was thoroughly enjoying it. But on the other hand, there was this ever-present, deeply-rooted desire to be married. As much as I loved my single life, as much as I was enjoying all of the opportunities and blessings that came with that season, I never stopped wanting marriage.

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Who Are You Surrounded By?

There’s a famous quote that reads, “You become like the five people you spend the most time with. Choose carefully.” I truly believe that’s one of the greatest pieces of advice we can follow, because it affirms what Proverbs 13:20 tells us. If we want to be wise, we must surround ourself with wise people. But if we hang out with foolish people, we will reap the negative consequences of their influence.

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There Is Purpose In Your Circumstances

A few years ago, I submitted a book proposal to be reviewed by a publisher. As I do with any major piece of writing, I sent the proposal to my dad for him to look over and make sure I didn’t miss any typos or mistakes. But when my dad texted me after reading the proposal, I wasn’t expecting him to respond the way he did. His response was so kind and so encouraging, so I wrote it down in my journal.

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10 Verses When You're Feeling Lonely

I think we can all agree that loneliness is one of the worst feelings ever. Feeling isolated and alone under any set of circumstances isn’t easy. But it’s especially difficult when you’re walking through a tough season or you’re in the middle of a big transition. Oftentimes when we’re struggling with loneliness, we reach out to other people to fill the void we’re feeling. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing to do, this shouldn’t be the first step we take.

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Ask Another Question

I’m a big fan of asking questions. I think they’re a great way to get to know people, but I also think they’re great tools to engage in deep conversation with people you already know. And I love me some deep conversations. But what I’ve learned over the past few years, it’s that asking one question isn’t enough. Usually, in my experience, it’s the second, third, and fourth questions that really allow you to dive in deep with someone. The follow-up questions are the ones that help you learn more about a person and discover what’s really going on in their mind and heart.

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10 Verses For When You Need God To Provide For You

The thing about being a human is that we aren’t as self-sufficient as we like to believe. We can’t always make everything happen the way we want it to happen. We can’t always make sure we’re fulfilled and provided for in our own power and our own strength. BUT…the good news about being a follower of Jesus is that we have a God who loves to provide for us. We serve a God who can meet all of our needs and can always come through. And we have a God we can depend on no matter what we’re walking through and what challenges or deficiencies we’re facing.

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