Posts tagged habits
Habits To Cultivate In Your Single Season

Not long after I got engaged, I remember people frequently saying things like, “Your life is about to change,” or “Things will never be the same once you get married,” or even “Marriage is a whole new way of life.” However, I don’t know if those people who talked to me about the changes that came with marriage were 100% correct. While it’s true that my life changed a lot when I got married, not everything about my life changed. There were quite a few things that stayed the same, like the habits I had created in my singleness (for better or worse).

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Do 1% Better

When I was scrolling through TikTok the other day, I came across a video created by one of the girls I follow. Her name is Caitlyn and for the last year, she’s been posting all about her journey to lose 80 pounds. I love watching her videos because she’s super real and down to earth, and she’s very open about all of the highs and lows she’s faced on her health journey.

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