Posts tagged prayer
Do You Have A Faith Strategy?

What is your strategy when it comes to growing in your relationship with Jesus? In other words, do you have a plan for how you’re going to prioritize spending time with Jesus and growing closer to Him? One thing I’ve learned over the years is that if you’re going to be successful at something, you’ve got to have a game plan. You can’t just go through life winging it. You’ve got to be intentional and purposeful. Otherwise, you’re not going to be prepared when life throws you something out of left field.

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What We’re Called To Do In The Midst Of Pain

Whenever I’m having a tough time, a bad day, or I’m feeling down, I open up my “words of affirmation jar.” I’m still working on the name, but that’s not important. My “words of affirmation jar” is a white jar that sits on my desk. It’s filled with tiny little folded-up pieces of paper, each containing an encouraging or affirming message from my husband. This was his Christmas gift to me three years ago, and he has continued to refill it ever since he gave it to me. I remember one particular afternoon when I was feeling down and discouraged, I opened up the jar and grabbed a piece of paper. When it opened it up, it contained one word, followed by a few numbers.

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Lord, I Love You, But...

After I left work that night, I decided to go by Panera to grab dinner on my way home. As I was anxiously waiting in line for my broccoli cheddar soup, I began scrolling through some devotions that were sent to my phone each day. I landed on one entitled “Lord I Love You But…” and I begin to read. The Lord might as well have put my name at the top of the screen. It was that straightforward. Immediately my heart started pounding out of my chest.

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How To Be Grateful When You Wish Life Was Different

I’ll never forget a statement one of my friends made during a conversation a few years back. We were talking about the things about our lives we wish were different, things we could change if we had the chance. At one point in the conversation, my friend looked at me and asked, “Kristen, why is it so easy for me to point out what I don’t like about my life, but then it’s difficult for me to list the things I do like about my life?”

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Habits To Cultivate In Your Single Season

Not long after I got engaged, I remember people frequently saying things like, “Your life is about to change,” or “Things will never be the same once you get married,” or even “Marriage is a whole new way of life.” However, I don’t know if those people who talked to me about the changes that came with marriage were 100% correct. While it’s true that my life changed a lot when I got married, not everything about my life changed. There were quite a few things that stayed the same, like the habits I had created in my singleness (for better or worse).

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How To Pray With A Submissive Heart

Let me ask you a question. When you pray and ask God for something, how do you go about asking Him? Do you beg Him over and over to give you exactly what you want? Do you try to negotiate with God saying, “If You do this for me, then I’ll do this for you”? Or do you pray with a submissive heart, asking that the Lord work out His will in your life?

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