Posts tagged humility
Following Jesus Means Living Differently

A few weeks ago when I was at church camp with our youth group, the pastor made a statement during one of his evening messages that really stuck with me. He said: If Jesus and I disagree, I am always wrong. My first thought was, “Well duh. Of course Jesus is always right.” But then there was this little ping of conviction in my heart, and a second thought came to my mind, “Jesus may always be right, but I don’t always act like I believe that.”

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How To Pray With A Submissive Heart

Let me ask you a question. When you pray and ask God for something, how do you go about asking Him? Do you beg Him over and over to give you exactly what you want? Do you try to negotiate with God saying, “If You do this for me, then I’ll do this for you”? Or do you pray with a submissive heart, asking that the Lord work out His will in your life?

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What Is The State Of Your Heart?

When we have hardened hearts – when we don’t have a posture of humility and teachability – the work God does within us hurts. It stings. It’s uncomfortable. And it pokes at our pain points. A hardened heart makes conviction so much more painful than it needs to be. And it makes it a lot more difficult for us to grow and mature in our faith.

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How To Renew Your Faith

Think about when you first accepted Christ. Most likely at the very beginning, you had a childlike faith. You may have actually been a child when you accepted Christ. But even if you weren’t and you accepted Christ later in life, you were still so heavily reliant on your Heavenly Father because following Jesus was so new to you. You had a wonder about you when it came to your faith, an excitement surrounding the time you spent with God.

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How To Renew Your Faith

Think about when you first accepted Christ. Most likely at the very beginning, you had a childlike faith. You may have actually been a child when you accepted Christ. But even if you weren’t and you accepted Christ later in life, you were still so heavily reliant on your Heavenly Father because following Jesus was so new to you. You had a wonder about you when it came to your faith, an excitement surrounding the time you spent with God.

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