Posts tagged God's plan
What To Do If You’re Hesitant To Follow God’s Lead

Have you ever felt like God was telling you to do something or guiding you down a certain path, but you were hesitant to follow His lead? I know I’ve been there, far more often than I’d care to admit. Hurrying is not something I’m a big fan of. I’d much prefer to take my time and go about things at my own pace. But the longer I follow Jesus, the more I learn that when God tells you to do something, hesitation is not your friend.

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Lord, I Love You, But...

After I left work that night, I decided to go by Panera to grab dinner on my way home. As I was anxiously waiting in line for my broccoli cheddar soup, I began scrolling through some devotions that were sent to my phone each day. I landed on one entitled “Lord I Love You But…” and I begin to read. The Lord might as well have put my name at the top of the screen. It was that straightforward. Immediately my heart started pounding out of my chest.

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When You Need Confidence In God Without Evidence That He's Working

Every Sunday night, I lead a life group of nine high school girls. In my years of working with students, whether that’s in the context of youth ministry or coaching basketball, I’ve learned that while you’re there as an adult to teach them and give them wisdom, it’s often the students who end up teaching you. My Sunday night life group is no different.

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How To Pray With A Submissive Heart

Let me ask you a question. When you pray and ask God for something, how do you go about asking Him? Do you beg Him over and over to give you exactly what you want? Do you try to negotiate with God saying, “If You do this for me, then I’ll do this for you”? Or do you pray with a submissive heart, asking that the Lord work out His will in your life?

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When You're Stuck In The In-Between

I’ve realized that feeling stuck between where you are and where you really want to be is an experience that is quite common in life. Maybe you’ve found yourself in a similar situation. A storm hit your life out of nowhere, causing a delay in your plans and your intentions, and now you feel stuck waiting for the storm to pass.

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Open Your Hands

Surrender is a byproduct of trust. If you don’t trust that God’s plans are perfect and that He has your best interest in mind, then you’re going to keep your fists closed around your own plans and dreams. You’re not going to let go of what you think is good if you don’t think you’ll be getting something better in its place.

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Don't Count Yourself Out

A couple of years back, I went to watch a few of the girls I coached in basketball play in their district championship soccer game. While I was there, I was talking to one of my player’s moms, and we got into a conversation about basketball tryouts from the year before. As it turns out, this player, who we’ll call Grace*, almost didn’t try out for basketball that year. We had heard from over 20 girls that they were interested in playing basketball before tryouts, so Grace was hesitant to try out because she wasn’t sure she would make the team.

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