God Knows Best

Now to him who is able to do immeasurable more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Isn’t it good to know that the God we serve is able to give us whatever we ask for? He’s able to open any door, answer any prayer, lift any burden, heal any hurt, and make any way. But how many times have you asked God to give you something, only to realize it wasn’t what you really needed all along?

The relationship didn’t turn out the way you expected. The job didn’t bring you the joy you thought it would. The opportunity wasn’t what you anticipated. The friend group came with more drama than community. Sometimes what we think we want isn’t really what we need. That’s where we need to remember that God knows best, and He is able to give us what’s best in His eyes, even if it doesn’t seem like the best to us at the time. 

Several years ago at a women’s conference I was attending, the speaker was talking about praying for your future husband. She was telling all of us single ladies how it’s a great thing to talk to the Lord about what you want in a guy, but there’s one statement you should always be capping off any prayer with: God, give me your best. 

I’ve come to use that simple sentence a lot over the years. I prayed that prayer a lot when I was talking to God about my future husband before we got married. And I have prayed that prayer whenever a job, a ministry opportunity, or a big life change came onto my radar. Sure, I have my desires and what I want, but I’m realizing that God’s best will always trump anything I think is best from my own human perspective. 

What’s clear to me about today’s key verse is that even though God is able to give us what we want, if we’re faithful, He reserves the right to give us what we need. And not only will He give us what we need, He can give us something better than we could have ever imagined. 

So the next time you go to ask God for something, instead of assuming that what you want is what’s best, ask the Lord to give you His best instead. Trust that He knows exactly what you need, and that He can fulfill your heart’s deepest desires better than anyone or anything.