Posts tagged calling
Lord, I Love You, But...

After I left work that night, I decided to go by Panera to grab dinner on my way home. As I was anxiously waiting in line for my broccoli cheddar soup, I began scrolling through some devotions that were sent to my phone each day. I landed on one entitled “Lord I Love You But…” and I begin to read. The Lord might as well have put my name at the top of the screen. It was that straightforward. Immediately my heart started pounding out of my chest.

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Don't Count Yourself Out

A couple of years back, I went to watch a few of the girls I coached in basketball play in their district championship soccer game. While I was there, I was talking to one of my player’s moms, and we got into a conversation about basketball tryouts from the year before. As it turns out, this player, who we’ll call Grace*, almost didn’t try out for basketball that year. We had heard from over 20 girls that they were interested in playing basketball before tryouts, so Grace was hesitant to try out because she wasn’t sure she would make the team.

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Keep Pursuing Your Calling

I’ve known for a long time that I wanted to write. And for years I’ve been confident that God was leading me to be a writer, but for the longest time I had no idea how that was going to unfold practically. But even when I couldn’t see what was ahead, I didn’t stop writing. I didn’t let uncertainty stop me from doing what I was sure God was calling me to do. Even when the only people reading my writing were my parents, my grandparents, and my best friend, I didn’t stop.

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When You're Second-Guessing Your God-Given Potential

God sees our potential. He knows what we’ve been through up until this point. He’s prepared us in ways we probably didn’t even realize or understand at the time. He’s walked with us every step of the way, leading us to what’s in front of us right now. And He has full confidence in knowing He’s prepared us to pursue His will for us, even when we lack confidence in ourselves.

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Keep Pursuing Your Calling

I’ve known for a long time that I wanted to write. And for years I’ve been confident that God was leading me to be a writer, but for the longest time I had no idea how that was going to unfold practically. But even when I couldn’t see what was ahead, I didn’t stop writing. I didn’t let uncertainty stop me from doing what I was sure God was calling me to do. Even when the only people reading my writing were my parents, my grandparents, and my best friend, I didn’t stop.

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Don't Count Yourself Out

Yesterday I went to watch a few of the girls I coach in basketball play in their soccer district championship game. While I was there, I was talking to one of my player’s moms, and we got into a conversation about last year’s basketball tryouts. As it turns out, this player, who we’ll call Grace*, almost didn’t tryout for basketball last year. We had heard from over 20 girls that they were interested in playing basketball before last year’s tryouts, so Grace was hesitant to tryout because she wasn’t sure she made the team.

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Lord, I Love You, But...

After I left work that night, I decided to go by Panera to grab dinner on my way home. As I was anxiously waiting in line for my broccoli cheddar soup, I began scrolling through some devotions that were sent to my phone each day. I landed on one entitled “Lord I Love You But…” and I begin to read. The Lord might as well have put my name at the top of the screen. It was that straightforward. Immediately my heart started pounding out of my chest.

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Keep Pursuing Your Calling

I’ve known for a long time that I wanted to write. And for years I’ve been confident that God was leading me to be a writer, but for the longest time I had no idea how that was going to unfold practically. But even when I couldn’t see what was ahead, I didn’t stop writing. I didn’t let uncertainty stop me from doing what I was sure God was calling me to do. Even when the only people reading my writing were my parents, my grandparents, and my best friend, I didn’t stop.

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