Don't Count Yourself Out

Moses answered God, “But why me? What makes you think that I could ever go to Pharaoh and lead the children of Israel out of Egypt?” (Exodus 3:11)

Yesterday I went to watch a few of the girls I coach in basketball play in their district championship soccer game. While I was there, I was talking to one of my player’s moms, and we got into a conversation about last year’s basketball tryouts. As it turns out, this player, who we’ll call Grace*, almost didn’t tryout for basketball last year. We had heard from over 20 girls that they were interested in playing basketball before last year’s tryouts, so Grace was hesitant to tryout because she wasn’t sure she would make the team.

Thankfully, her parents encouraged her to still go out for the team, and not only did she make the team, but she earned the Achievement Award at the end of the season, which is the award given to the player who showed the most progress and improvement over the course of the year.

I thought a lot about Grace’s story after I left the soccer game last night. I thought about how so often we want to count ourselves out of an opportunity because we’re afraid of rejection or disappointment. I thought about how much Grace and I had in common, because if it hadn’t been for my parents encouraging me when I was younger, I would have never played sports to begin with because of my own fears. (Thank the Lord for parents, am I right?")

I also thought about Moses, and how as one of the most impactful men in all of history, even he had moments where he wanted to count himself out of what the Lord was leading him to do. In the book of Exodus, we read about God very clearly telling Moses to lead His people out of Egypt, but Moses tried to use every excuse in the book to get out of this opportunity. It took some reassurance from God, but Moses finally agreed to follow the Lord’s lead. Can you imagine what would have happened if Moses had counted himself out?

So as you think about Moses and his story, and as you think about Grace and her story, I want you to take a second and ask yourself this question: Is there something I’ve counted myself out for that God is clearly leading me to do? If the answer is yes, let me encourage you, friend. You’ll never regret following God’s lead, even if you’re facing rejection, discomfort, and uncertainty in the process. You never know what could come as result of your obedience. So don’t be fearful. Don’t shy away from following God’s call. And don’t count yourself out.

*Name has been changed for privacy.