Trusting God Again

“Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, ‘The Lord has done great things for them.’ The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.” – Psalm 126:2-3

When the psalmist who wrote Psalm 126 said, “The Lord has done great things for us,” he is encouraging the Israelites to remember all the things the Lord has done for them in the past. He delivered them from Egypt. He brought them across the Red Sea. He led them across the Jordan river. He helped them bring down the walls of Jericho, and He gave them the Promised Land. The Israelites had a long list of instances where they experienced God’s deliverance. So if they were going to survive yet another waiting period, they were going to need to have a good memory.  

Remembering what God has done in our past is one of the best ways we can stay strong in believing He will do good in our future. If God has delivered you before, He can deliver you again. If He has healed you before, He can heal you again. If He can come through for you in the past, He can come through for you in your future. It is because of His past faithfulness, we can trust that God can be faithful again. 

When I was a little kid, my dad and I used to dance in the living room together all the time. Now I’m not talking slow dancing. We had some pretty snazzy moves as we danced to old rock and roll music. There was this one particular move where my dad would grab my hands, swing one of his legs over my head, and then pull me back through his legs swinging me into the air.

There were plenty of times where my dad swung me so high that I thought I was going to hit the ceiling fan or the light fixtures nearby. You’d think it would have been enough to scare me to the point where I wouldn’t want to continue, but the opposite was true. Every time my dad would throw me up, I’d say, “Dad, do it again!” My dad had brought me safely back to the ground every other time before, so I had no reason to believe he wouldn’t do the same the next time. What would it look like for us to develop that kind of faith in our Heavenly Father?

When we encounter seasons of life where we need God to come through for us, we have to remember that God has caught us, kept us, and held us up before, and we can trust Him to do it again. The Psalmist is saying that as we look back over the Lord’s faithfulness in our lives up until this point, our prayer should be, “Dad, do it again!”