Posts tagged writing
How To Be Grateful When You Wish Life Was Different

I’ll never forget a statement one of my friends made during a conversation a few years back. We were talking about the things about our lives we wish were different, things we could change if we had the chance. At one point in the conversation, my friend looked at me and asked, “Kristen, why is it so easy for me to point out what I don’t like about my life, but then it’s difficult for me to list the things I do like about my life?”

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Why You Should Write Down Your Prayers

From that very first page, all the way to the back cover, I asked God to give me patience over and over again. And as I continued writing out my prayers, no matter how big or small my circumstances seemed, I wrote about them, asking for wisdom and guidance and grace and understanding and…you guessed it…more patience.

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How To Keep A Prayer Journal

I started writing down my prayers during the summer before my senior year of high school, and I’ve been keeping a prayer journal ever since. I’ve written down prayers about anything and everything: friends, family, boys, basketball, work, money, etc. If it was on my heart, I wrote it down. And now after over ten years of writing down my prayers, it has been the biggest blessing to be able to go back through these journals and read about how God was working in my heart and to see how He answered the prayers I wrote down.

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Keep Pursuing Your Calling

I’ve known for a long time that I wanted to write. And for years I’ve been confident that God was leading me to be a writer, but for the longest time I had no idea how that was going to unfold practically. But even when I couldn’t see what was ahead, I didn’t stop writing. I didn’t let uncertainty stop me from doing what I was sure God was calling me to do. Even when the only people reading my writing were my parents, my grandparents, and my best friend, I didn’t stop.

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Ways To Journal During Your Quiet Time

I’ve always been a big fan of journaling. In fact, I’ve kept a diary since I was five years old, even though at that time, all I had to write about were my kindergarten boyfriend and what make-believe games my little brother and I had played that day. Regardless, I’ve always loved writing in a journal. It’s the way I like to process my thoughts and get everything that’s going on in my brain onto a piece of paper.

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Keep Pursuing Your Calling

I’ve known for a long time that I wanted to write. And for years I’ve been confident that God was leading me to be a writer, but for the longest time I had no idea how that was going to unfold practically. But even when I couldn’t see what was ahead, I didn’t stop writing. I didn’t let uncertainty stop me from doing what I was sure God was calling me to do. Even when the only people reading my writing were my parents, my grandparents, and my best friend, I didn’t stop.

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How To Keep A Prayer Journal

I started writing down my prayers during the summer before my senior year of college, and I’ve been keeping a prayer journal ever since. I’ve written down prayers about anything and everything: friends, family, boys, basketball, work, money, etc. If it was on my heart, I wrote it down. And now after over ten years of writing down my prayers, it has been the biggest blessing to be able to go back through these journals and read about how God was working in my heart and to see how He answered the prayers I wrote down.

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