Posts tagged uncertainty
When Life Changes, Jesus Remains The Same

Isn’t it crazy how quickly life can change? It’s like one day you’re just going about your business and the next it seems like everything that once felt certain gets flipped on its head. A great relationship ends unexpectedly. A new opportunity falls in your lap. The chance to pursue a dream comes, but not without some sacrifices.

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Don't Shy Away From Difficulty

I remember during one conversation Brett and I had, he was telling me about a kid he’s been training recently. We’ll call this kid Andy. Andy is part of a group of athletes working with Brett each week. On one particular night during a training session, Brett was working with the group on driving to the basket and finishing with a left-handed layup. Well, Andy was right-handed. So he would drive to the basket, but every time he got ready to shoot, he would lay the ball up with his right hand instead of his left.

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When Everything Is Changing

About a year and a half ago, I felt like my world was being absolutely rocked. It seemed like everything was changing at once. Kevin and I were about to get married. We adopted a 10-week-old puppy. Kevin took a job at church in Northern Kentucky, which meant I’d be leaving Georgia, where I’d spent my entire life. I moved from my parents’ house to Kevin’s apartment to an apartment in Kentucky to a house in Kentucky all in the span of three months. It felt like nothing about my life was going to stay the same.

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Keep Pursuing Your Calling

I’ve known for a long time that I wanted to write. And for years I’ve been confident that God was leading me to be a writer, but for the longest time I had no idea how that was going to unfold practically. But even when I couldn’t see what was ahead, I didn’t stop writing. I didn’t let uncertainty stop me from doing what I was sure God was calling me to do. Even when the only people reading my writing were my parents, my grandparents, and my best friend, I didn’t stop.

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10 Verses For When You’re Walking Into A New Season

It’s been just over a year since my husband and I packed up the U-Haul, loaded down our cars, and left our home state of Georgia to move to Kentucky. I’m not going to lie, I ugly cried quite a few times over the move at first. It wasn’t an easy decision. But at the same time, it was a decision that was blanketed in so much peace. I never thought I would feel so at ease about picking up and moving to another state, but I did.

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The Lord Is Always With You

I once heard someone ask the question, “If you knew God was holding your hand every step of the way, what would you do and where would you go?” At the time that I first heard it, it was a question that stopped me in my tracks because, for a while, I had been operating out of a mindset of fear and hesitation. I was dealing with a lot of worry and uncertainty as some big changes were happening in my life, and I was scared of what those changes were going to bring.

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