Posts tagged courage
Pray Big Prayers

What would it look like if we prayed boldly and courageously for God to surprise us with His answers? What if we prayed with confident expectation that God would come through for us? What if instead of praying with the intent of avoiding disappointment, we prayed in anticipation of God’s diving appointments?

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When Your Hope Is Deferred

Do you ever get tired of hoping for something to happen or get impatient when you’re waiting for a prayer to be answered? Yeah, me too. Our key verse for today hits the nail on the head saying, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” I don’t know about you, but sometimes it feels like your heart can stay sick for a really long time while that tree of life you’re waiting for doesn’t even seem to have sprouted yet.

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The Lord Is Always With You

I once heard someone ask the question, “If you knew God was holding your hand every step of the way, what would you do and where would you go?” At the time that I first heard it, it was a question that stopped me in my tracks because, for a while, I had been operating out of a mindset of fear and hesitation. I was dealing with a lot of worry and uncertainty as some big changes were happening in my life, and I was scared of what those changes were going to bring.

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Hope Deferred

Do you ever get tired of hoping for something to happen or get impatient when you’re waiting for a prayer to be answered? Yeah, me too. Our key verse for today hits the nail on the head saying, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” I don’t know about you, but sometimes it feels like your heart can stay sick for a really long time while that tree of life you’re waiting for doesn’t even seem to have sprouted yet.

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The Lord Is Always With You

I recently heard someone ask the question, “If you knew God was holding your hand every step of the way, what would you do and where would you go?” It was a question that stopped me in my tracks, because for a while, I had been operating out of a mindset of fear and hesitation. I was dealing with a lot of worry and uncertainty as there were some big changes happening in my life, and I was scared of what those changes were going to bring.

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Courage For Today

Have you ever considered that God’s past faithfulness is what fuels today’s courage? Think about it. When was the last time you saw evidence of God’s faithfulness in your life? Maybe He provided you with an incredible job that you love after you’d been looking for one for months. Maybe He closed the door on one relationship, but then later opened the door to another one that has exceeded your expectations. Or maybe He provided you with encouraging and supportive friends during one of the toughest seasons of your life.

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Hope Deferred

Do you ever get tired of hoping for something to happen or get impatient when you’re waiting for a prayer to be answered? Yeah, me too. Our key verse for today hits the nail on the head saying, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.” I don’t know about you, but sometimes it feels like your heart can stay sick for a really long time while that tree of life you’re waiting for doesn’t even seem to have sprouted yet.

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Today's Courage

Have you ever considered that God’s past faithfulness is what fuels today’s courage? Think about it. When was the last time you saw evidence of God’s faithfulness in your life? Maybe He provided you with an incredible job that you love after you’d been looking for one for months. Maybe He closed the door on one relationship, but then later opened the door to another one that has exceeded your expectations. Or maybe He provided you with encouraging and supportive friends during one of the toughest seasons of your life.

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