Posts tagged testimony
Your Trials Are Your Testimony

I was sitting on the couch in my living room talking to my roommate Lauren. She was checking in with me, asking how I was holding up, since I had just gone through a pretty awful breakup. I told her that I was struggling, not just because getting your heart broken hurts terribly, but because I never even saw this coming. I was so completely blindsided, and that made everything so much worse.

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The Refining Process

If I’ve learned anything in my years of following Jesus, it’s that experiencing God’s blessings is a process. Being a Christian doesn’t include very many quick fixes. There are no microwaved blessings and instant successes. Living life according to God’s will and God’s timing involves a process. And the psalmist who wrote today’s key passage wants us to not only acknowledge where we’ve been and where we are, but also the process it took for God to get us here.

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Courage For Today

Have you ever considered that God’s past faithfulness is what fuels today’s courage? Think about it. When was the last time you saw evidence of God’s faithfulness in your life? Maybe He provided you with an incredible job that you love after you’d been looking for one for months. Maybe He closed the door on one relationship, but then later opened the door to another one that has exceeded your expectations. Or maybe He provided you with encouraging and supportive friends during one of the toughest seasons of your life.

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The Refining Process

If I’ve learned anything in my years of following Jesus, it’s that experiencing God’s blessings is a process. Being a Christian doesn’t include very many quick fixes. There are no microwaved blessings and instant successes. Living life according to God’s will and God’s timing involves a process. And the psalmist who wrote today’s key passage wants us to not only acknowledge where we’ve been and where we are, but also the process it took for God to get us here.

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Today's Courage

Have you ever considered that God’s past faithfulness is what fuels today’s courage? Think about it. When was the last time you saw evidence of God’s faithfulness in your life? Maybe He provided you with an incredible job that you love after you’d been looking for one for months. Maybe He closed the door on one relationship, but then later opened the door to another one that has exceeded your expectations. Or maybe He provided you with encouraging and supportive friends during one of the toughest seasons of your life.

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