Today's Courage

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. - Hebrews 10:23

Have you ever considered that God’s past faithfulness is what fuels today’s courage? Think about it. When was the last time you saw evidence of God’s faithfulness in your life? Maybe He provided you with an incredible job that you love after you’d been looking for one for months. Maybe He closed the door on one relationship, but then later opened the door to another one that has exceeded your expectations. Or maybe He provided you with encouraging and supportive friends during one of the toughest seasons of your life. 

Whatever the case may be, I bet you can point to at least one instance in your life where God was faithful. So as you think back on that time, doesn’t that give you courage to pray and believe that God will be faithful in your current circumstances?

I’ve been keeping a prayer journal for about ten years now. This journal has become one of the greatest blessings in my walk with the Lord, because every time I’m struggling with doubt, growing impatient, or wondering if God is going to come through, I can go back and read through that journal and see one example after the other of God’s past faithfulness. 

Not once in that journal can I find an entry and say, “Well God, you never worked this one out,” or “That situation was never redeemed.” Instead, I can see now how God was working, even when I couldn’t see it at the time, to give me His best and to bring glory to Himself. And because of that, I can have courage today as I trust Him to be faithful once again. 

I would really encourage you to take some time today and write down some stories of God’s past faithfulness in your own life. You can even start your own prayer journal if you want to! Either way, be intentional to recite and remember God’s track record in your life so far. And ask the Lord to use these stories as fuel to develop your courage and your faith in Him.