Posts tagged worth the wait
What Are You Rushing Into?

Waiting is not fun, and it gets more and more difficult the longer you have to do it. When that impatience kicks in, we are so quick to jump the gun, like Brett said, and settle for a lesser version of whatever it is that we’re waiting for. But that’s typically when regret happens. I can tell you for a fact that if I had bought one of the pairs of shoes I sent to my brother at first, I would have regretted it because the shoes I ended up buying were so much better than anything I was initially considering.

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When You're Stuck In The In-Between

I’ve realized that feeling stuck between where you are and where you really want to be is an experience that is quite common in life. Maybe you’ve found yourself in a similar situation. A storm hit your life out of nowhere, causing a delay in your plans and your intentions, and now you feel stuck waiting for the storm to pass.

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The Refining Process

If I’ve learned anything in my years of following Jesus, it’s that experiencing God’s blessings is a process. Being a Christian doesn’t include very many quick fixes. There are no microwaved blessings and instant successes. Living life according to God’s will and God’s timing involves a process. And the psalmist who wrote today’s key passage wants us to not only acknowledge where we’ve been and where we are, but also the process it took for God to get us here.

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Don’t Give Up On Your Prayers

While I was reading my devotional this morning, there was a particular paragraph that stuck out to me. The writer said, “I believe that many times people give up praying because they want instantaneous success and immediate answers. They start the process but don’t see it all the way through. But when you’re persistent to pray for what’s on your heart, know that God hears you and is constantly working behind the scenes to help—so don’t give up!”

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When You're Waiting For God To Open The Door

Today’s key Scripture passage is one of the most encouraging passages in the Bible, and also one of the most frustrating all at the same time. Let me explain. It’s encouraging when you’re waiting for something or asking God for something, because He is saying that eventually we will get an answer. If we’re praying according to His will, we will see our desires come to fruition. But this passage gets super frustrating when it seems like you’ve been asking for the same thing over and over with no apparent response, or when you’ve been knocking at a door that seems permanently locked.

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