Posts tagged unmet expectations
Distancing Yourself From God

When Jesus is using the vine and branch analogy with His disciples, He makes it very clear that if we aren’t connected to Him, we can’t do anything. If we distance ourselves from Him, we’ll never get through this tough season. We’ll never be able to fully move on from the hurt, the loss, the disappointment, and the frustration. If we don’t draw near to the Lord, we won’t be capable of navigating the unexpected.

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Walking Through Disappointment

This past weekend, we were supposed to get up to three inches of snow. As a lover of snow and cold weather (and as someone who grew up in Georgia where snow rarely happened), I could barely contain my excitement. The snow was supposed to fall in the early Saturday morning hours, so I was fully expecting to wake up, look out our bedroom window, and see our backyard covered in a powdery white blanket.

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Do You Feel Forgotten By God?

When I was reading my Bible yesterday, I spent some time studying a passage from Luke chapter 7. In this particular passage, Luke describes the time when John the Baptist sends messengers to ask Jesus if He is really the Messiah, or if they should be waiting for someone else. To be honest, I’ve skimmed through this passage a lot in the past. I know I’ve read it, but I’ve never really studied it, until yesterday. And as I dove deeper into this story, my heart started to break for John the Baptist in a way it never had before. His humanity became so evident to me in this story, and it encouraged me in one way and saddened me in another.

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What If You Never Get Married?

Asking yourself “What if I never find someone?” means facing a question that is doused in fear. Wondering if you’re ever going to get married or if you’re going to be single for the rest of your life is a tough pill to swallow. Because contrary to what all the ladies in church imply when they say, “Don’t worry. You’ll find someone!” God doesn’t guarantee marriage for anyone. Nowhere in Scripture does He promise to give every single woman a husband. So as much as this question is one we like to avoid and hope we never have to answer, it’s one we need to take into consideration.

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Change Of Plans

I threw my computer back in my bag, grabbed my frappuccino, and booked it across campus to the foreign language office. Within 15 minutes I had the department head and three professors trying to calm me down. We talked for almost an hour before they put together an alternative plan. I could double major in Secondary Education and Spanish, but I would be in school for at least one extra year. Not to mention my scholarship would run out by the end of my fourth year so all tuition and fees would have to come out of my pocket. And I’d have to take a bunch of extra classes I didn’t need. It may have been a plan, but it wasn’t a good one.

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