Posts tagged loneliness
10 Verses When You're Feeling Lonely

I think we can all agree that loneliness is one of the worst feelings ever. Feeling isolated and alone under any set of circumstances isn’t easy. But it’s especially difficult when you’re walking through a tough season or you’re in the middle of a big transition. Oftentimes when we’re struggling with loneliness, we reach out to other people to fill the void we’re feeling. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing to do, this shouldn’t be the first step we take.

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Walking Through Disappointment

This past weekend, we were supposed to get up to three inches of snow. As a lover of snow and cold weather (and as someone who grew up in Georgia where snow rarely happened), I could barely contain my excitement. The snow was supposed to fall in the early Saturday morning hours, so I was fully expecting to wake up, look out our bedroom window, and see our backyard covered in a powdery white blanket.

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10 Verses When You're Feeling Lonely

I think we can all agree that loneliness is one of the worst feelings ever. Feeling isolated and alone under any set of circumstances isn’t easy. But it’s especially difficult when you’re walking through a tough season or you’re in the middle of a big transition. Oftentimes when we’re struggling with loneliness, we reach out to other people to fill the void we’re feeling. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing to do, this shouldn’t be the first step we take.

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10 Verses For When You Feel Far From God

In my 20+ years of following Jesus, I’ve learned that it’s inevitable to go through seasons where you feel far from God. Even though I know He is always there, even though I know He never leaves me, and even though I know He doesn’t distance Himself from me, there have been more than a few times where it felt like I was distant from God.

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Feeling Lonely

I think we can all agree that loneliness is one of the worst feelings ever. Feeling isolated and alone under any set of circumstances isn’t easy. But it’s especially difficult when you’re walking through a tough season or you’re in the middle of a big transition. Oftentimes when we’re struggling with loneliness, we reach out to other people to fill the void we’re feeling. While this isn’t necessarily a bad thing to do, this shouldn’t be the first step we take.

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