Posts tagged hopes
When You're Waiting For God To Open The Door

Today’s key Scripture passage is one of the most encouraging passages in the Bible, and also one of the most frustrating all at the same time. Let me explain. It’s encouraging when you’re waiting for something or asking God for something, because He is saying that eventually we will get an answer. If we’re praying according to His will, we will see our desires come to fruition. But this passage gets super frustrating when it seems like you’ve been asking for the same thing over and over with no apparent response, or when you’ve been knocking at a door that seems permanently locked.

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Hold On Tight To Your Dreams

When you find yourself stuck between where you were and where you want to be for an extended period of time, it can be easy to lose your capacity to dream. As Proverbs 13:12 says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” When your feel heart-sick, dreaming is the last thing on your mind. But Psalm 126 encourages us to never stop dreaming, even when what we’re hoping for hasn’t become a reality yet.

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When You're Waiting For God To Open The Door

Today’s key Scripture passage is one of the most encouraging passages in the Bible, and also one of the most frustrating all at the same time. Let me explain. It’s encouraging when you’re waiting for something or asking God for something, because He is saying that eventually we will get an answer. If we’re praying according to His will, we will see our desires come to fruition. But this passage gets super frustrating when it seems like you’ve been asking for the same thing over and over with no apparent response, or when you’ve been knocking at a door that seems permanently locked.

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What Do You Want?

Imagine yourself in Bartimaeus’s shoes for a minute. You’re sitting on the side of the road. You hear that Jesus is nearby, so you begin to shout His name, and He walks over to you. And not only does He approach you, but He asks you this question: What do you want me to do for you? How would you respond if Jesus asked you that question? What would you tell Him you wanted? Take a second and think about what that one thing would be. Okay, now that you have the thing you want in mind, I want you to ask yourself another question: Why do I want Jesus to do this one thing for me?

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Hold On Tight To Your Dreams

When you find yourself stuck between where you were and where you want to be for an extended period of time, it can be easy to lose your capacity to dream. As Proverbs 13:12 says, “Hope deferred makes the heart sick.” When your feel heart-sick, dreaming is the last thing on your mind. But Psalm 126 encourages us to never stop dreaming, even when what we’re hoping for hasn’t become a reality yet.

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