Pray Big Prayers

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” - Matthew 7: 7-8

When you spend time talking to your Heavenly Father, what kind of prayers are you praying? Are you praying practical prayers? Are you praying safe prayers? Are you praying big, bold prayers?

I’ll admit that a lot of times, I fall into the habit of praying on the safer side. While the Lord does say that we can pray about anything and ask Him for anything, I feel like we more often default to putting God in box with our conservative prayers. There are plenty of times I find myself praying these safer prayers, rather asking God to do big things in my life.  

But recently, I read a quote from Lisa Bevere where she said, "Pray in a way that makes room for God’s answer to astound you.” 

Talk about a challenge! What would it look like if we prayed boldly and courageously for God to surprise us with His answers? What if we prayed with confident expectation that God would come through for us? What if instead of praying with the intent of avoiding disappointment, we prayed in anticipation of God’s diving appointments?

I truly believe we would be utterly amazed at how we would see God work if were willing to pray these kinds of prayers. 

So with that in mind, what are some bold prayers you can start praying? What is something you’ve really been wanting and hoping for, but maybe you’ve been too hesitant to ask for it? Friend, there’s no time like the present to start praying big prayers. If something is on your heart, bring it to your Heavenly Father and wait expectantly to see how He answers.