Posts tagged worry
Remember What's Really Important

I’ve been thinking a lot the past few days about the things that take up the most space in my mind. I’ve been asking myself questions like: What can I not stop worrying about? What lies am I believing about myself? What distractions am I struggling with? As I’ve been processing my answers to these questions, I’ve realized that a lot of the answers don’t carry very much eternal significance. In other words, my mind is flooded with worries and lies and distractions concerning things that are temporary and all together not that important when it comes to the grand scheme of things. Let me give you some examples.

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10 Verses For When You're Struggling To Pray

If we’re being honest, I think many of us have the expectation that our prayer life is supposed to look a straight line - always consistent and trending upward with absolutely zero bumps in the road. Sure, there are times when prayer is super easy and it’s your default reaction to any circumstance (good or bad) that happens in your life. But there are also seasons where prayer feels extra difficult and you begin to wonder if God is even listening when you pray. 

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What Is God Putting On Your Heart?

I’ve been going back through a lot of my old journals recently, and as I flipped through the pages yesterday, I stumbled upon an entry from early 2022. I had decided first thing that morning to get up and go for a walk, which wasn’t something I normally did, but apparently, I needed to get some fresh air and spend some time outside - away from my phone, away from work, away from all the things that were overwhelming and demanding.

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The Lord Is Always With You

I once heard someone ask the question, “If you knew God was holding your hand every step of the way, what would you do and where would you go?” At the time that I first heard it, it was a question that stopped me in my tracks because, for a while, I had been operating out of a mindset of fear and hesitation. I was dealing with a lot of worry and uncertainty as some big changes were happening in my life, and I was scared of what those changes were going to bring.

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