Remember What's Really Important

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. - 2 Corinthians 4:18

I’ve been thinking a lot the past few days about the things that take up the most space in my mind. I’ve been asking myself questions like:

What can I not stop worrying about?

What lies am I believing about myself?

What distractions am I struggling with?

As I’ve been processing my answers to these questions, I’ve realized that a lot of the answers don’t carry very much eternal significance. In other words, my mind is flooded with worries and lies and distractions concerning things that are temporary and altogether not that important when it comes to the grand scheme of things. Let me give you some examples.

I’m worrying about what people think of me and how they perceive me.

I’m worrying about how others will react if I disagree with them.

I’m believing the lie that my worth is wrapped up in how I’m going to look in the clothes I just ordered from Amazon.

I’m believing the lie that if my life doesn’t look like hers, then I’m failing.

I’m distracted by social media.

I’m distracted by “what-ifs” and uncertainty.

Do any of those hit home for you? Do you struggle with any of the same worries, lies, or distractions? If you do, first off, know that you’re not alone. but second of all, I want to remind you of what the Lord has been so graciously reminding me these past few days.

If we want to honor the Lord with our lives, we should be looking to spend our time and focus our attention on the things that are eternal, not the things that are temporary. As much as the world screams of all it has to offer, most of what we are hung up and distracted by isn’t going to matter when this life is over.

As I was reading today’s key verse earlier this week, the Holy Spirit reminded me of a very important truth. When my life on earth ends, and I go to heaven, there isn’t going to be an angel standing at the gate asking for my references. He’s not going to ask for measurements or my clothing size. And he’s not going to ask how many followers I had on Instagram…because God’s not concerned with any of that.

The Lord is much more concerned with you pleasing Him than you trying to pleasing people. He’s more concerned with the posture of your heart than the number on the tag inside your jeans. And He’s more concerned about you following Him than you trying to get people to follow you online.

I tell you all of this because I want us all to remember what’s really important. I want us to be able to get to heaven one day and, as we give an account of our lives to our Heavenly Father, we can say that we loved people well, that we served Him faithfully, and that we focused our time, energy, and attention on what He said matters most. That’s my prayer, for you and for me. Let us fix our eyes on what is unseen, because what is unseen lasts forever.