Posts tagged overwhelm
10 Verses For When You're Stressed Out

The three months after my wedding were some of the most stressful I’ve ever experienced. I got married. I moved in with my husband’s apartment, but only for a couple of months before we moved to a different state. My husband sprained his ACL and LCL playing basketball. Our dog had three different health emergencies. We had one of our cars in the shop so we were down to one car for two people. And we were trying to buy a house. Needless to say, a lot of different things were occupying my mind.

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Check On Your People

A while back, I wrote and published a devotion called Encouragement For The One Who’s Stressed Out. The day the post went live, I received quite a few messages from people saying things like, “I needed this today Kristen!” or “Thanks for sharing - it’s been a stressful day here.” While I always love getting messages like this and knowing that God is working through these devotions to help and encourage other people, those weren’t the only kinds of messages I got that afternoon.

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What Is God Putting On Your Heart?

I’ve been going back through a lot of my old journals recently, and as I flipped through the pages yesterday, I stumbled upon an entry from early 2022. I had decided first thing that morning to get up and go for a walk, which wasn’t something I normally did, but apparently, I needed to get some fresh air and spend some time outside - away from my phone, away from work, away from all the things that were overwhelming and demanding.

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A Case Of The Mondays

My opinion on Mondays changes from week to week. Some weeks, I really like Mondays. They’re a fresh start to a new week. They’re a chance to get organized and plan for all the tasks and events the next seven days hold. They’re a good excuse to have a second iced coffee without any self-judgment. Those kinds of Mondays are great. But sometimes, Mondays aren’t so great. Sometimes they’re overwhelming. Sometimes they come with mile long to-do lists, piled-up laundry, an empty fridge, and a jam-packed calendar staring you in the face, making you wonder how you’re going to have time to get everything taken care of.

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A Case Of The Mondays

My opinion on Mondays changes from week to week. Some weeks, I really like Mondays. They’re a fresh start to a new week. They’re a chance to get organized and plan for all the tasks and events the next seven days hold. They’re a good excuse to have a second iced coffee without any self-judgment. Those kinds of Mondays are great. But sometimes, Mondays aren’t so great. Sometimes they’re overwhelming. Sometimes they come with mile long to-do lists, piled-up laundry, an empty fridge, and a jam-packed calendar staring you in the face, making you wonder how you’re going to have time to get everything taken care of.

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