Fight On Your Knees

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:6-7

Over the past couple of weeks, I have become more aware than ever that I can’t do everything, fix everything, and resolve everything on my own. You’re probably thinking, “Well Kristen, it only took you 28 and a half years…” At least, that’s what I think God would be thinking if He was sarcastic. But thankfully He’s more gracious than that.

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been terrible at asking for help. I like being independent. I like taking care of things by myself. And I enjoy being the person that other people come to for help. But when it comes to reaching out for assistance or admitting I can’t do things on my own, I fall short.

So over the past couple of weeks, there have been too many times that I became flustered, overwhelmed, and defeated by all that needed to be done or all that I wished was different that I couldn’t seem to resolve in my own time and in my own strength.

It was after these feelings seemed to set up camp in my heart that the Holy Spirit gently reminded me of these truths:

  1. I’m not alone, nor do I have to do everything alone.

  2. I wasn’t meant to carry all of the burdens I’d placed on my own shoulders.

  3. I’m not everyone else’s savior.

  4. I don’t have to feel anxious, worried, and overwhelmed.

  5. I am loved, chosen, and cared for by the God of the universe, and I can trust Him to handle everything that I’m trying so hard to control.

I know I can’t be the only one who needed (and still needs) these reminders. I know that I can’t be the only one who needs some peace and relief. And I know I’m not the only one who needs to remember that talking to your Heavenly Father in prayer and handing everything over to Him is your best bet - every. single. time.

It’s our human nature to fight for control. It’s in our blood to want to make things happen, to be independent, to fix things that need to be fixed. And while the things we want and the things we’re fighting for may be good things, I’d venture to say that we usually go about fighting for them the wrong way.

We need to be fighting on our knees. We need to be in constant prayer. We need to be asking God to do what only He can do, instead of trying to step into God’s role and take control. Only then will we have peace. Only then will we see real, lasting change. And only then can we trust that what’s in front of us is good, because it came from the Lord, and not from the work of our own hands.

So whatever you’re fighting for today, whatever you’re overwhelmed by, and whatever you’re trying to fix, I pray that you will make a point to get on your knees. Let your posture be a visible sign of surrender to God so that you might submit to His will, His timing, and His ways. Let Him fight for you. After all, He is always victorious.