Posts tagged anxiety
10 Verses For When You're Stressed Out

The three months after my wedding were some of the most stressful I’ve ever experienced. I got married. I moved in with my husband’s apartment, but only for a couple of months before we moved to a different state. My husband sprained his ACL and LCL playing basketball. Our dog had three different health emergencies. We had one of our cars in the shop so we were down to one car for two people. And we were trying to buy a house. Needless to say, a lot of different things were occupying my mind.

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Trusting God's Track Record

Since my boyfriend and I started dating, he typically drives when we’re going somewhere. Now, if I’m being honest, I’m kind of weird when I’m in the car with other people. On one hand, I like to be in the passenger seat. I’m great at DJ-ing, getting the driver’s food ready after we’ve gone through the Chick-fil-A drive-thru, and making sure the navigation app is up and running (because apparently my sense of direction alone is not trustworthy). I enjoy being the passenger. But on the other hand, I also have an issue with not being in control, so I don’t handle it well when I’m not driving.

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