Posts tagged worries
Joy Over Worry

Everyone has something they’re worried about. We’re all wrestling with anxious thoughts and feelings, like a low-grade fever in our hearts and minds that we can’t seem to shake. We’re worried about our relationships, our school work, our jobs, our health, our finances, and many other things. But as followers of Jesus, it is so important that we do not approach worry the same way the world does.

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Joy Over Worry

Everyone has something they’re worried about. We’re all wrestling with anxious thoughts and feelings, like a low-grade fever in our hearts and minds that we can’t seem to shake. We’re worried about our relationships, our school work, our jobs, our health, our finances, and many other things. But as followers of Jesus, it is so important that we do not approach worry the same way the world does.

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Joy Over Worry

Everyone has something they’re worried about. We’re all wrestling with anxious thoughts and feelings, like a low-grade fever in our hearts and minds that we can’t seem to shake. We’re worried about our relationships, our school work, our jobs, our health, our finances, and many other things. But as followers of Jesus, it is so important that we do not approach worry the same way the world does.

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God Cares About The Little Things

When it came time for me to register for my second semester of freshman year classes, I realized I only had one more science class I had to take before I would be done with science for the rest of my life. This writing lover couldn’t have been more thrilled. So as I scrolled through the different options, I came across a class entitled “Physical Geography.” With my other options being chemistry and physics (I had already taken biology the previous semester), I figured this was my best option, so I claimed my spot and added the geography class to my schedule.

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