God Cares About The Little Things

Cast all your cares upon him, because he cares for you. - 1 Peter 5:7

When it came time for me to register for my second semester of freshman year classes, I realized I only had one more science class I had to take before I would be done with science for the rest of my life. This writing lover couldn’t have been more thrilled. So as I scrolled through the different options, I came across a class entitled “Physical Geography.” With my other options being chemistry and physics (I had already taken biology the previous semester), I figured this was my best option, so I claimed my spot and added the geography class to my schedule.

However, if you had told me that part of the requirements for this class would be to go hiking, I would have decided to bite the bullet and register for chemistry instead. But by the time this revelation was made known to me, it was too late. I was stuck, and I was going to have to take a hike (literally) if I wanted to get a good grade in this class. 

Unlike me, my geography professor LOVED hiking, like a little too much. I’ve never seen someone get so excited about walking through the woods. His enthusiasm honestly annoyed me at first, but I kept my mouth shut and my head down as we began our miles long trek through the North Georgia mountains. 

In preparing for this particular hike, I had decided to wear my nice, new tennis shoes (big mistake). I figured that it would be hot and dry, so I wouldn’t have to worry about getting them too dirty. Well, I was wrong. Once we get about halfway through the hike, my professor calls out to the group to be careful because there is a muddy spot coming up. He then proceeded to look around to see what shoes everyone was wearing. He noticed that mine looked pretty new, so he began to tell me how to clean my shoes once I got home so they would look as good as new, even if they happened to get dirty.

Despite my lack of enjoyment of this hike, I couldn’t help but smile at my professor’s caring gesture. Even though getting their shoes dirty probably wouldn't have been a big deal to anyone else, it was a big deal to me. I take my shoes very seriously, and even though my professor wasn’t aware of that, he still cared enough to tell me what I could do to fix my little, seemingly insignificant problem. 

Isn’t this such a perfect picture of what God is like with us? No matter how small a problem may seem to you, God still cares about it because you do, and He wants to help you with it. So the next time you’re struggling with something, regardless of how insignificant the issue may seem, don’t be afraid to come to your Heavenly Father about it. He loves nothing more than helping His children with whatever they lay at His feet.