The Value In Choosing Prayer

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:6-7

Earlier this morning, I was going through my personal email inbox, and I realized I was starting to have a number of unread emails pile up. That little red number at the top corner of an app drives me crazy, so I decided I was going to sort through all the unread messages and see if I could clear them out.

As I began this sorting process, I realized many of the unread emails were devotions that I had received but had left unread so I knew to go back and read them later. So during my time with Jesus today, I read several of those devotions. And wouldn’t you know that many of them actually related to each other? It’s funny how God works like that, isn’t it?

One by one, I opened these devotional emails, reading more in-depth about what God has to say in His Word about worry, fear, anxiousness, and being in control.

I was reminded that we always have access to peace that surpasses all understanding because we are children of God.

I was reminded that fear is not from God, but rather is a tool the enemy loves to use against us.

I was reminded that I am not supposed to be anxious about anything but instead I’m supposed to pray about everything.

I was reminded that no matter how hard I try, I can’t control everything and everyone around me. That’s God’s job…not mine.

And finally, I was reminded that spending my time in prayer will always be more beneficial than worrying, being fearful, feeling anxious, or trying to be in control.

As I soaked in these reminders, I began to ask myself these questions:

Am I praying about this situation as much as I’m worrying about it?

Am I praying about this situation as much as I’m talking about it?

Am I praying about this situation as much as I’m thinking about it?

Am I praying about this situation as much as I’m trying to fix it?

These were tough questions to consider (and to answer), but they were good gut checks to reiterate how important prayer is and what an incredible tool it is that God has equipped us with.

We have access to so much power, so much perspective, and so much peace through prayer. The God of the universe wants to talk to us. He wants us to tell Him about what’s on our hearts. He wants us to seek His guidance, His direction, and His wisdom. And so often I feel like we take these truths for granted.

So what would it look like for prayer to replace our worrying? For prayer to replace our fearfulness? Our anxiety? Our attempts to control everything and everyone?

I hope and pray you’ll ask yourself these questions today and in the days to come. And as you do, I pray the Lord draws you near to Himself, reminding you of the same reminders He gave me today, and giving you hope in the fact that communicating with Him in prayer is always the best step to take, no matter what lies in front of you right now.