Posts tagged rejoice
Give Thanks In All Circumstances

What are some things you’re grateful for in your life right now? Are you grateful for having a job that you enjoy? Are you grateful for your friendships? Are you grateful that the cold weather is finally here? (That’s me!) These are the things about our life that are easy to thank God for. But what about the parts of our lives that don’t foster gratitude so easily? What about when we feel like we’re stuck in a season of waiting, and we don’t know where God is leading us next? What about when we are dealing with the aftermath of rejection? Or what about when we’re feeling lonely?

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Remember Where Your Joy Comes From

I pulled my car out of the driveway and drove down the main street in our neighborhood towards the highway. About the time I was halfway out of the neighborhood, I passed a garbage truck. Wednesday is trash day here, and I had already seen this garbage truck stop by our house earlier that day. My first thought as I saw the garbage man throwing someone’s trash into the back of the truck was, “Gosh, what an awful day to be a garbage man. It’s cold. It’s wet. It’s raining. I would not want to be doing his job right about now.”

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Joy Over Worry

Everyone has something they’re worried about. We’re all wrestling with anxious thoughts and feelings, like a low-grade fever in our hearts and minds that we can’t seem to shake. We’re worried about our relationships, our school work, our jobs, our health, our finances, and many other things. But as followers of Jesus, it is so important that we do not approach worry the same way the world does.

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Joy Over Worry

Everyone has something they’re worried about. We’re all wrestling with anxious thoughts and feelings, like a low-grade fever in our hearts and minds that we can’t seem to shake. We’re worried about our relationships, our school work, our jobs, our health, our finances, and many other things. But as followers of Jesus, it is so important that we do not approach worry the same way the world does.

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Give Thanks In All Circumstances

What are some things you’re grateful for in your life right now? Are you grateful for having a job that you enjoy? Are you grateful for your friendships? Are you grateful that fall weather is finally almost here? (That’s me!) These are the things about our life that are easy to thank God for. But what about the parts of our lives that don’t foster gratitude so easily? What about when we feel like we’re stuck in a season of waiting and we don’t know where God is leading us next? What about when we are dealing with the aftermath of rejection? Or what about when we’re feeling lonely?

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Joy Over Worry

Everyone has something they’re worried about. We’re all wrestling with anxious thoughts and feelings, like a low-grade fever in our hearts and minds that we can’t seem to shake. We’re worried about our relationships, our school work, our jobs, our health, our finances, and many other things. But as followers of Jesus, it is so important that we do not approach worry the same way the world does.

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Give Thanks In All Circumstances

What are some things you’re grateful for in your life right now? Are you grateful for having a job that you enjoy? Are you grateful for your friendships? Are you grateful that fall weather is finally almost here? (That’s me!) These are the things about our life that are easy to thank God for. But what about the parts of our lives that don’t foster gratitude so easily? What about when we feel like we’re stuck in a season of waiting and we don’t know where God is leading us next? What about when we are dealing with the aftermath of rejection? Or what about when we’re feeling lonely?

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