Check On Your People

So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets. - Matthew 7:12

A while back, I wrote and published a devotion called Encouragement For The One Who’s Stressed Out. The day the post went live, I received quite a few messages from people saying things like, “I needed this today Kristen!” or “Thanks for sharing - it’s been a stressful day here.” While I always love getting messages like this and knowing that God is working through these devotions to help and encourage other people, those weren’t the only kinds of messages I got that afternoon.

Throughout the day, I got phone calls and texts from multiple people in my life, all of them checking on me to see if I was okay. They wanted to hear about what was stressing me out and to ask me if they could help me or pray for me.

To be honest, I sometimes forget that posting these devotions can feel a little like publishing an entry from your journal for everyone to read. But on that particular afternoon, I was really grateful that I had people in my corner who could read into what was going on with me through my writing and were willing to reach out.

After I read through their messages and took their phone calls, I started thinking about how often I check up on the people closest to me. How frequently do I send texts or make calls to see how my friends are doing? Am I intentional about reaching out to my people and offering a helping hand when they’re stressed or overwhelmed? Do I offer up a listening ear on a regular basis for the friend or family member who just needs to vent?

If you’ve been reading my writing for a while, you know how often I bring up the Golden Rule, because it’s one of the things my dad carved into my brain the most growing up. He would remind me all the time, “Kristen, treat people the way you want to be treated.”

So when I saw what it felt like to be checked up on, cared for, and loved on the way I was that day, I was reminded that if I want people to show up for me like that when I’m stressed, I need to do the same for others. And I want to challenge you to do the same.

I know life is crazy. I know we’re all busy and have a million things we’re trying to juggle all at once. But we’re called by God to be selfless, to love others sacrificially, and to be the hands and feet of Jesus. And reaching out to check on your people is a great way to do those things.

So I want to encourage you today to reach out to just one person. Ask them about their day. Offer to help take something off their plate, even if it’s the smallest thing. Tell them you’re willing to listen if they need to vent. Ask them how they’re doing…like how they’re really doing. And let them know you’re there for them. It might only take a few minutes out of your day, but it could be the biggest blessing that person will receive all week.

Let’s love on the people God has placed in our lives, and let’s make the effort to treat people the way we want to be treated.