Posts tagged burden
Check On Your People

A while back, I wrote and published a devotion called Encouragement For The One Who’s Stressed Out. The day the post went live, I received quite a few messages from people saying things like, “I needed this today Kristen!” or “Thanks for sharing - it’s been a stressful day here.” While I always love getting messages like this and knowing that God is working through these devotions to help and encourage other people, those weren’t the only kinds of messages I got that afternoon.

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The Lord Is Always With You

I once heard someone ask the question, “If you knew God was holding your hand every step of the way, what would you do and where would you go?” At the time that I first heard it, it was a question that stopped me in my tracks because, for a while, I had been operating out of a mindset of fear and hesitation. I was dealing with a lot of worry and uncertainty as some big changes were happening in my life, and I was scared of what those changes were going to bring.

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Check On Your People

A couple of days ago, I wrote and published a devotion called Encouragement For The One Who’s Stressed Out. After the post went live, I received quite a few messages of people saying things like, “I needed this today Kristen!” or “Thanks for sharing - it’s been a stressful day here.” While I always love getting messages like this and knowing that God is working through these devotions to help and encourage other people, those weren’t the only kinds of messages I got on Tuesday.

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It's Okay To Be Dependent On God

Last night while my boyfriend was preaching to his youth group, he made this statement: It’s okay to be dependent on God. It was such a simple sentence, but it’s been weighing on my since he said it last night. You see, I love the feeling of independence. I love being self-sufficient. And I love knowing that I can take care of myself and figure things out for myself.

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The Lord Is Always With You

I recently heard someone ask the question, “If you knew God was holding your hand every step of the way, what would you do and where would you go?” It was a question that stopped me in my tracks, because for a while, I had been operating out of a mindset of fear and hesitation. I was dealing with a lot of worry and uncertainty as there were some big changes happening in my life, and I was scared of what those changes were going to bring.

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