Posts tagged help
Check On Your People

A while back, I wrote and published a devotion called Encouragement For The One Who’s Stressed Out. The day the post went live, I received quite a few messages from people saying things like, “I needed this today Kristen!” or “Thanks for sharing - it’s been a stressful day here.” While I always love getting messages like this and knowing that God is working through these devotions to help and encourage other people, those weren’t the only kinds of messages I got that afternoon.

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Check On Your People

A couple of days ago, I wrote and published a devotion called Encouragement For The One Who’s Stressed Out. After the post went live, I received quite a few messages of people saying things like, “I needed this today Kristen!” or “Thanks for sharing - it’s been a stressful day here.” While I always love getting messages like this and knowing that God is working through these devotions to help and encourage other people, those weren’t the only kinds of messages I got on Tuesday.

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Mountains And Valleys

This morning I was reminded of a conversation I had with my dad last year where he gave me some great advice. And I thought his advice was worth sharing with you. He and I were talking about my writing and these daily devotions, and how a lot of my content is geared towards helping people navigate the tough and unexpected circumstances in life. As we were talking, my dad said, "Kristen, I think it's great that you're writing to teach people how to stay close to God in the valley, but it's just as important that we stay close to Him when we're on the mountaintop."

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When Life Is Good

Over the weekend I went to visit my parents, and my dad gave me some great advice that I thought was worth sharing. We were talking about my writing and these daily devotions, and how a lot of my content is geared towards helping people navigate the tough and unexpected circumstances in life. As we were talking, my dad said, "Kristen, I think it's great that you're writing to teach people how to stay close to God in the valley, but it's just as important that we stay close to Him when we're on the mountaintop."

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